Online Claim Service

You can now report any issues you may encounter for an order by using our new Online Claim Service.
To file a claim online, provide the order information, your contact information and a description of your claim by following the instructions on your screen. We will research your claim request and get back to you.

Search for Order
Select Order Select Order Line Items Enter Contact Info & Description Review & Submit
Required - Enter search criteria below to find the order for your claim request.

If you don't have your Account Number available:
Step one_icon Click on an option and enter the details:

Step one_icon Click on an option and enter the details:
- (Case sensitve)
Pick a date Pick a date  Search limited to 3 months
If you have your Account Number available:
Enter your account number for additional search options
Account Number
How to find an Account Number?
You can find your account number in the upper left hand portion of your invoice. Either Ship-to, Bill-to or Sold-to can be used.
Note: Ship-to will be the most effective search for orders going to a school location